May 14, 2001

The regular monthly meeting of St. John's Consistory was held on Monday, May 14, 2001 with President Kay Jones, presiding.  President Kay called the meeting to order at 7:31 PM.  A prayer was offered by Pastor Dalious.

AGENDA:  Approved

MINUTES:  Approved


1.  Eva requested her Summer hours to start 6/1 and run through Labor Day.  She requested her hours be Monday and Thursday 9-3 and Friday 9-12.  Eva has also requested 1/2 day vacation on Friday, May 18.  A motion was made to accept the summer hours and 1/2 day vacation as requested.  The motion was approved.

1. A motion was made to approve $291.41 in mileage for Pastor Dalious.  The motion was approved.
2.  Pastor Dalious is keeping a calendar for Pastor Barbara.
3.  The Berger family would like to have grandson blessed on 5/27.  Either Barbara or Bonnie will be doing this service.

Education: Jamie Barton
1.  VBS will be held at St. Paul's this yera 6/18 through 6/21 and we have offered our help.
2.  Teacher Recognition and Sr. Recognition will be held on 6/3 during Sunday School at 9:00 AM.

Outreach Commission: Kay Jones
1.  The food pantry has a balance of aproximately $1,400 in the checking account.
2.  The postal workers delivered the food collected on Saturday.
3.  People served during March was 25 and during April was 34.
4.  A motion was made to proceed with the Food Pantry Closet to be constructed in the phone room by Wes Greenwell and Harlan Rump.  The motion was approved.
5.  Yoga classes will probably be expanding.

Parish Life: Betty Dunkel


Property Commission: Wes Greenwell
1.  The Apartment has been advertised for the second time.  No suitable tenant has been found at this time.
2.  All flower beds have been mulched.  Thanks to all who helped.
3.  A motion was made to accept the recommendation of the property committee to accept a bid of $41,000 made by Chris Strausser for the renovations to the Center.  The motion was approved.
4.  The fire escape has been sandblasted and painted.
5.  The shed has arrived and is in use.
6.  The parsonage has a new roof and the stove is here.
7.  The handicapped lift is broken and repairman has been called.  Doug will look into Insurance Policy re: equipment breakdown possibly being covered in our policy.

Stewardship: George Wagner

1.  The Auditor will be contacting Eva to set a date for audit.
2.  The search for Treasurer has bee narrowed down to 3 people.  We will have a Treasurer by next Consistory meeting.
3.  Strengthen the Church offering has been moved to 6/10.
4.  Tony Dooley will be here on 6/24 to present our OCWM Certificate.
5.  Stewardship meeting will be held at 7:00 PM on 5/24.

Worship and Music Commission: Gene Hess

1.  We start 9:00 AM services on June 10th.
2.  Donna is doing an excellent job.

Old Business

1.  Search Committee has been successful and we ave a new Pastor.  She will begin on June 1st.  Her move from MA will cost approximately $3,700.
2.  The Signage: A written proposal was presented at Consistory.  With much grateful gratitude on the hard work of Jamie Barton and his committee the feeling of Consistory and Ruth Ann & Susan was tat at this present time the estimate on the stonework is high and there was a couple more suggestions that have come to the attention of this committee.  Some new members have been added to the committee.  They are Wes Greenwell, Kelly Malone and Ruth Ann Moyer.
3.  Three Strategic Highlights were chosen for next year during the Mensch Mill Retreat.  They are Guild Reorganizaiton, Youth Commission, and Adult Education.
4.  A motion was made for 6 members of our church to attend a workcamp on the third weekend in November.  The motion was approved.

New Business
1. Doug Gosch is looking into a fire system for the Church.
2.  Wes Greenwell is checking on a security system for the parsonage.
3.  Blood pressure checks will be done occasionally during coffee hour.
4.  Youth Commission will have a report in June.
5.  The Elder's meeting: An announcement will be oging in the newsletter in regards to contacting the inactive members (3 years or longer).  Then the inactive list will be contacted by a letter and then if no response will be followed up with a phone call.
6.  A motion to participate in the Lighthouse Church Community Safety Days on 6/23.  The motion was approved.
7.  A motion was made to accept Wachendorfs request to have letter of transfer sent to their new church.  Motion approved.

The meeting was adjourned with the Lord's Prayer and by common consent.

The next meeting of St. John's Consistory is scheduled for Tuesday, June 5, 2001 at 7:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Kelly K. Malone, Secretary